On-line Technologies, Inc. was founded by Sotero Giftos and Jay Gowell. Their mission has always been to provide comprehensive order management software solutions to product marketers, call centers and fulfillment centers worldwide. Our team includes many talented members who previously worked for media agencies, call centers and marketers before joining our team.  They understand the complexity surrounding advertising, campaign set up and roll-out, sales performance metrics, continuity programs and CRM backend support systems.

We founded, OrderManagement.com, in 2010 to provide marketers with industry experts and resources for success. Our products are marketed under the brand name, OrderLogix™. We hope you will consider us when making your order management software selection.

We are a group of industry professionals who recognized that Order Management serves as a focal point for any successful Direct Response, E-commerce or multi-channel retailer. We invite you to join us, to share your views on best practices and proven tactics in each of these industries.

As we build this community you will have access to industry case studies, top tips and campaign analysis. We welcome your input so that our community of marketers and weekly readers can improve their results and train their teams.
